Upgrade Your Life 


Are you ready to break free from old patterns and self-limiting beliefs, tap into your inner power and create lasting change? Look no further! Our revolutionary Mindset Coaching Program is designed to help you achieve life-altering and lasting results.



    Listen to some of our member's stories

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What You’ll Experience:


Deep Self-Discovery: Uncover hidden blocks and patterns that have held you back. The Spiral dives into your subconscious, revealing insights you never knew existed.

Clearing the Path: Say goodbye to self-sabotage. We’ll dissolve old thought patterns, fears, and doubts, allowing you to operate at your absolute best.

Purposeful Living: Imagine waking up every day with clarity, purpose, and choice. The Spiral aligns you with your true purpose, so you can live a life that feels authentic and fulfilling.


The Power of The Spiral TM and  Practical Mindfullness Techniques

We combine the power of The Spiral and practical mindfullness techniques in order to clear the way for you to operate on purpose and at your best. 


What is The Spiral

The Spiral is not just a coaching method; it’s a holistic modality that combines the wisdom of various disciplines to unlock your true potential. Here’s how it works:


  • Kinesiology: Understand the mind-body connection. Through muscle testing, we identify energy imbalances and release physical and emotional blockages.
  • Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) Tapping: Tap into your emotional landscape. EFT helps you release negative emotions, fears, and traumas, allowing you to move forward with clarity and confidence.
  • Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM): Balance your energy flow. TCM principles guide us in harmonizing your body’s energy channels, promoting overall well-being.
  • Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP): Rewire your subconscious mind. NLP techniques help you reprogram limiting beliefs, enhance communication, and create new empowering patterns.




Why Choose us


  • Proven Results: Our clients have experienced breakthroughs in relationships, career, health, and personal growth. 
  • Expert Coaches: Our certified coaches are passionate about your transformation. They’ll guide you every step of the way, providing personalised support.
  • Lifetime Access: The tools you learn during the program stay with you forever. You’ll continue to thrive.


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On Purpose And At Your Best




Releasing shame, guilt and dogma to increase a new sense of self worth.



Release fear, grief and paralysed will. Increases productivity, helps identify and overcome fears.



Release negative patterning around anger, pride and desire to bring in more self confidence, clear boundaries and a general sense of being strong and bad ass at doing life the way you want to.



Release wounds of the heart and negative patterning around reason and acceptance to increase more love in your life. This level is also all about organisation.



Release low self esteem, lack of confidence and anxiety. Working to create more space for a confident and true expression of you.



Release issues related to truth, trust and old beliefs associated with these emotions. Increases receptivity and clarity around how you perceive yourself and your life.



Releasing limiting/sabotaging patterns around what peace, enlightenment, joy and purpose mean to you. Aligning you to that beautiful place of stillness and your own sense of purpose. 




Integrate and Embed the learnings from the first 7 modules and clear the way for change.




Put your discovery into action with a clear plan to upgrade each area of your life. 

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Join Today!

Don’t wait another day to step into your greatness. Reserve your spot now and embark on a journey of self-discovery, empowerment, and purpose.


Disclaimer: The Spiral Mindset Coaching Program is not a substitute for medical or psychological treatment. Always consult with a healthcare professional if you have specific health concerns.🌿🌟





"Coaching with Nathan is the most profound thing I have done in my life apart from child birth"



"Life changing! It has allowed me to get clear on my thinking and actions. I feel lighter and have dropped past negative patterns that have enabled me to be a more positive person, effective leader, and a better  partner"


On Purpose And At Your Best

With one-on-one guidance and group support, you've found a safe place to dig deep, remove your blocks and be your best.